Atlanta, GA - Atlanta United today struck back against online critics of their Unity Night promotions on Twitter and Facebook as they insist that, “All Lives Matter at Unity Night.”
Hey, where did all the Unity jerseys go!
Atlanta United spokesman David Rawlins stated that the criticism was way off base as the Twitter account, Website and Facebook account of the team showed where they stood.
“Here we do things differently. Where other teams may celebrate their fanbase in ways that would… um… fracture the fanbase, here we try to unite the fanbase. That was the genesis of Unity Night. We are going to Unite the fanbase under Unity night showing that Atlanta United isn’t just for one loud group or another, but all groups. All lives matter during Unity Night”
Oh, there we go! Unity flag’s for everyone!
Critics of the promotion indicate that it appears that Atlanta United is doing just about everything in their power to reference their promotional Pride merchandise as anything but Pride merchandise as on all their platforms, save for the Major League Soccer run webshop, the Pride merchandise is referred to as Unity merchandise.
“If we just reach out to people of a … hmm… different lifestyle that might anger some of our long term fans of a … um…. different lifestyle to the people of a different lifestyle and … um… certain sponsors,” stated one anonymous employee. “It’s important for us to come together, in these days, and have a Unity Night for everyone because WHO DOESN’T LOVE A RAINBOW PRi… ER… UNITY JERSEY PRICED FOR THE LOW LOW COST OF $59.99!”
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as we receive our upgraded Chick-Fil-A sponsored seats and eat at the Chick-Fil-A restaurant on the Mercedes Benz stadium concourse.