Wage Slave Focuses Energy On Fighting The System In Team's Front Office

San Jose, CA - Earthquakes fan and persistent wage slave Derryk Franklin admitted that he is firmly against whatever is going on in the front office of the club as he finds something to rage against in order to exert some kind of control over his life that is spiraling out of control into debt, addiction and endless amounts of work.

Down with the corporate system except the one that is wringing me out until I’m an empty husk.

"Its hard for me to make it to games now that I'm implicitly expected to work at least 16 hours on the weekends, but as a fan of the Earthquakes I expect the team to treat their players to a fair wage, a standard working schedule, and an aggressive attitude towards engaging the fans and the city,” stated Franklin to The Nutmeg News.

“I find that between my town hall meetings, my manager meetings, my personal scrum group meetings, my daily stand-up meetings, my one-on-one meetings, and my weekend on-call work that seems to be happening with frightening regularity that I’m expected to hold myself to a certain employable standard that will keep me at my work and not be laid off. So you can expect that I will rage against the status quo in the Earthquakes front office to show that somehow I haven’t slipped into an eternal hell space that will dominate my days until I burn out, drink to much and realize that I can’t actually afford to go to rehab.”

According to his soccer friends, Franklin is persistently talking about the Earthquakes front office inability to spend on players and advertising as he pours over the salary numbers of the team with a focused intensity that directly reflects his inability to speak to other team members at his work about their salaries.

“I don’t understand how the Quakes are paying Luis Felipe $71,625 per year for the amount of work and effort they expect out of him in a city where rent is stupidly expensive,” stated Franklin as he applied to drive for Uber and Lyft in order to keep his San Francisco adjacent one bedroom apartment. “It’s not possible to imagine that anyone could live with these conditions and I expect the front office to start paying these players what they are worth. Barely anyone can make it here, and I don’t understand how they think that players can find any free time to enjoy themselves or have any money left on the weekends. It’s just going to drive them completely crazy all the time when they think about it. They can’t even buy a house. Just imagine being a person who makes six figures, much less five figures, and getting to the next paycheck and realizing there’s nothing there because it was taking by your rent, car, student loans, medical expenses and utilities. We have to do something to help out all these players.”

According to his blog www.drowninginfireandburningindebt.blogspot.com, Franklin is attempting to organize an effort at protesting the front office of the Earthquakes until they become more aggressive in the local market as he also details his efforts at fighting back depression by microdosing LSD and finding the joy in a 72 hour work week.

“It’s important to stand up against bullies,” stated Franklin from his anonymous Online persona of David Anyman. “We must band together and end this wage slavery for the players and fight back against the hegemonic interests of Silicon Valley in our sport. I’ll update more after I finish my unscheduled shift in the data center this weekend.. Maybe voting in a new MLS President will change things for the better.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Derryk begins to project his marital issues onto the coaching staff saying that they never listen to him and that’s the cause of all their problems
