INSPIRING! This Tone Deaf Supporter May Not Know The Words To Any Of The Songs, But That Doesn't Stop Him From Belting Them Out

Seattle, WA - Local technology consultant and longtime lanyard wearer Philip Thurgood admitted that he may not know any of the words to any of the songs sung in the Emerald City Supporters, but he woiuld’t let that keep him from belting out whatever he thinks they should be at a decibel splitting volume in the wrong key.

“What’s important is hanging with the boys, singing for the boys and cold beer” stated Thurgood to The Nutmeg News as he purchased a half rack of Coors Light for his upcoming Team America Revolutionary Patriot themed USA v England watch party. “I don’t need to know the words to make an impact, I just need to be loud.”

People around Thurgood state that his commitment to singing “Hold On Columbia, hold on,” in the loudest screeching voice possible indicates his inspiring ability to overcome his apparent difficulty in learning the actual lyrics to any of the songs he hears roughly once every other year when he attends a Sounders game due to the tickets being gifted to him from a corporate partner.

“I tried to show him the lyrics but honestly we just need loud voices,” stated one anonymous ECS member.

“I think that song is like an old song from classic R&B artist Ne-Yo,” stated Thurgood. “We should be poppin bottles if we are talking bout holding on to our lovers.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on the inspiring heroes of the supporters groups that we all know and love.
