Vancouver, BC - According to friends in attendance, Whitecaps fan Kelly Riordan spent most of her Monday evening wistfully reminiscing about the last time she had hope in a season as she fondly recalled a time gone by and players long since departed.
“If I have another I’m going to start talking about 2008 and 2009.”
“Oh but I was younger then,” stated Riordan as she gazed off into the distance. “We all were, Jeff… Karl…. Pete… I remember when Pete would come to games. Oh god, what a time we would have back when it felt like maybe something good could happen.”
Riordan spent most of the evening sitting in a booth surrounded by four friends attempting to drink away their remembrances of a Monday that seemed like it would never depart.
“We had fun, then, even if it didn’t quite seem like it at the time. Even though 2015 was a mirage, there were times when I could actually believe, but…. well… belief is in hard supply these days.”
Friends state that Riordan recalled the golden years of Martin Rennie, Carl Robinson, and Teitur Thordarson as she tried to make sense of the past few years.
“I know I’m going to be around because apparently I’m a masochist,” stated Riordan into her beer. “But I can’t help but think of the people we lost along the way to gardening, hiking, skiing and bike riding. I can’t blame them but somehow I can’t leave….. even though I’ve spent most of this year wanting to leave. Some days I just stare at my game calendar in Google and wonder why.”
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Riordan lies to herself about not attending the next home game.