Oakland Roots Forced To Take Detroit Lions With Them After NISA Championship Loss

Detroit, MI - After losing 2-1 to Detroit City FC, the Oakland Roots were forced to take the Detroit Lions home with them as a condition of the terms of a “loser gets the lions” bet between the two teams.


Stating, “Dear God, what have we done,” a crestfallen Jordan Ferrell reportedly loaded up the infrastructure of the Lions into the team bus they chartered to take them back to the airport. “I know we lost the Raiders, but we’d just prefer to not have a team.”

Lions executive Dean Logan stated, “We are just excited to be wanted. It feels great having a fresh start.”

According to long time Oakland native Jerome Montgomery, he isn’t particularly thrilled for the situation.

“We’ve had enough misery over the years. This just feels cruel. We did not ask for the lions. We don’t need the Lions forced upon us, can’t you just let us suffer with this loss in peace?”

Detroit fans, however, were adamant that the Oakland Roots abide by the terms of their bet as they stated, “No, NO NO. A deals a deal. The loser takes the Lions and the winner gets to just bask in an entire season without watching Matt Stafford have a turnover during a crucial drive. We are the NISA champions and they are now Lions fans, that’s how it works.”

For his part, Montgomery stated, “I just hope that the Lions are prepared to move after 10 to 20 years. That’s just how football works around here. We should’ve just left them there.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as the Oakland Roots ask whether they can sponsor the gentrification of a part of the city instead.
