American Outlaws Thankful They Saved Prepared Statement From The Last Few Racist Incidents

Omaha, NE - The spokesman for the American Outlaws stated that he was, “TOTES THANKFUL, BRO,” that he saved the statement the organization used from the last few racist incidents that the group has had from the people who patronize its ranks.


“Saved me a lot of time, bro,” stated Connor “MURICA LOVER” McGee. “I just changed what I needed to change and did the usual thing where I put the onus on other groups that aren’t affiliated with the national organization, made a non-apology apology and made claims about being inclusive. Really saved me time to go off having some AMERICAN beers.”

Sources with the group indicate that the group drafted a formal statement they could reuse after the numerous times targeted racial slurs were heard in the Outlaws section with AO members singing, “build a wall, mow my lawn, and the Stole My Sombrero,” songs.

“Look, we need to have some kind of statement ready,” stated one anonymous source. “You never know when someONE and we don’t KNOW if they are a member, but some LONE WOLF UNAFFILIATED PERSON STANDING ADJACENT TO AO hangs a blue line flag and starts shit talking Black Lives Matters. We can’t appear racist even if we seem to attract racist fans like flypaper. It was only a matter of time before our fans ability to hate anyone that even remotely looks Mexican transformed into hating Black Lives Matter.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as AO prepares for the next scandal.
