NASL Extends League Cancellation Due To CDC Guidelines

MIAMI - In accordance with CDC guidelines in response to COVID-19, the defunct North American Soccer League (NASL) stated that it would extend the league cancellation in place since 2017.

“The extension of our permanently cancelled season is made in compliance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidance to cancel all mass gatherings for the next eight weeks,” stated Rocco B. Commisso posting from the NASL’s official Twitter account.

According to the NASL, a task force comprised of one person continues to monitor the extremely fluid situation and will update fans as they receive more news and guidance from the CDC. “The NASL will continue to update fans as they receive more news and the US Soccer Federation can suck it.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as the NASL extends their league cancellation to 2021 and 2022.
