Nation Wakes Up To 14th Monday In A Row

Scientists were baffled as residents of the United States of America woke up to the 14th Monday in a row, this morning.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” stated researchers at the Institute of Pandering. “People seem to be continually waking up with hangovers, anxiety, a level of dread, boredom and angst every single day.”

Scientists claim that they are yet to figure out this issue but that it appears to be a global phenomenon.

“We’ve reached out to our friends in Europe and Africa to confirm and they all report that it appears that the entirety of the world may be stuck in a perpetual Monday.”

Some researchers, however, argue against the Monday diagnoses as they claim that it really is more like a month of Sundays.

“The Schism of the Sunday will continue,” stated Dr Wiley Baker. “We are here to inform anyone trying to dictate that this is a Monday that it is, in fact, a Sunday.”

Not content with the Schism of the Sunday, other doctors are reportedly part of the Synod of the Holy Un-Week as they vociferously denounced the idea of adding any kind of day context to the week.

“We with the Synod of the Holy Un-Week roundly declare that all days are non-days and there is no week,” stated spokesman and professor Lyndon Babbit. “Every day is non day and every week is an un-week. There is no time, no day and no more shall exist within this realm. Drink your Manhattan’s at 7:00 am. We are in the un-time.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as the researchers start a holy war over the technical descriptions.
