Forum Post By Big Soccer User AquaTeenYoungerHorse Solves All The Problems With US Soccer, COVID-19, And Racism

INTERNET - According to the only sources still reading the forum, a post by Big Soccer user AquaTeenYoungerHorse on page 219 of the Coronavirus, Nationwide Arena Deal and everything else is the Crew's Fault thread reportedly solved all the problems with US Soccer, COVID-19 and Racism as he detailed an expansive methodology to fix the United States.


“It’s too bad this is buried amidst jokes about the season, observations on Gelato and comments about Ohio in general,” stated one anonymous user. “This post really spoke a truth WITH solutions to the whole country.”

With the forums increasingly a place to hang out for fans of teams that started in MLS v 1.0 and angry USMNT fans looking for dual citizenship prospects in the junior league of Albania, frequent users of Big Soccer were startled to find a coherent post detailing all the measures that should be put in place to solve the current pandemic, US Soccer, and 400 years of racism.

“Frankly, I didn’t think we were still taking anything on here seriously,” stated Big Soccer user BlackAndGoald “At the very least I’m pretty amazed that I made it through 218 different pages arguing about the nuances of the spread of the virus, using a gun for home defense, vicious name calling, thread drift and various gripes about literally everything before making it to this one. I’m guessing that we will go another 200 or so threads before we get a comment that is as informative as this one again.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Big Soccer users start tearing apart all the arguments and calling the user out for previous posts.
