Woman Certain That Scrolling Through Her Social Media Feed For The 234th Time This Morning Will Make Her Happy

Seattle, WA - Seattle Sounders fan Bridgette Coogan stated that she was absolutely certain that scrolling through her social media feed of Instagram, Twitter, Reddit and Facebook for the 234th time this morning would make her happy as she continued staring at the screen with a dazed look in her eyes.

“Ok, this time I’m going to find something good on this phone while I go outside on a walk”

“Ok, this time I’m going to find something good on this phone while I go outside on a walk”

“I know that somewhere there is something on here that will make me happy,” mumbled Coogan from under her comforter. “And I’m going to look all morning long if that’s what it takes.”

Coogan reportedly woke up at 6:30 am and grabbed her cell phone from her bedside table before settling into her daily routine of scrolling through everything, closing her phone, setting it on her bed, sighing, having her finger twitch, grabbing her phone, unlocking her phone and then beginning the process again.

“They say you should have a routine during times like this and I find that this really helps center me to the absolute unending despair that nearly everyone else is feeling in this country right now,” stated Coogan. “It’s really helpful to go online and find that nearly everything in this country is falling apart. It would be irresponsible to not look, right? I need to know. I can’t miss out. Remember the murder hornets?”

Coogan stated that she even finds it difficult to get excited for the upcoming MLSISBACK tournament as she stated, “it’s just another reminder of everything we are missing and putting the safety of the players that I love in jeopardy so billionaires won’t lose money.”

However, despite her sadness, Coogan stated that she was working hard to find the positives as she claimed, “at least my 85 year old grandfather is still alive and safe in the apartment attached to my parents house. Hopefully my parents don’t get sick because their healthcare coverage is terrible, mine is worse, and no one can afford to take care of anyone right now.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Coogan starts the 9:00 hour by unfriending a high school acquaintance who posts racist comments on George Floyd and looking for the updated COVID-19 numbers from Florida and California.
