Geoff Cameron Blames Obama After Not Receiving RNC Nod

Former American Stoke City player Geoff Cameron reportedly blamed former President Barack Obama after not receiving a speaking nod at the Republican National Convention.


“You spend all your money on All Lives Matter signs, and all your time DMing President Trump macaroni art you made of him putting immigrant children in cages and pretending to not vehemently hate the politics of your fellow black teammates and you find out that you are the 4th choice behind a couple that waved guns at black people? I CAN WAVE GUNS AT BLACK PEOPLE. THIS IS ALL HUSSEIN OBAMA’S FAULT,” stated Cameron, allegedly, to James Woods in an unbidden DM leaked to The Nutmeg News. “I was checking my mailbox all day, even though I think USPS shouldn’t exist, and no invite was there, although this may be an attempt to suppress the opinions of the truthful right. Checked the email I set up purely for Trump campaign emails, nothing. Maybe Yedlin was right, I am betrayed and I don’t know if I can keep representing this country.”

Sources indicate that Cameron was reportedly kept off the RNC list due to the fact that he only liked and responded positively to Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, and James Woods tweets and didn’t tweet or post any specific white nationalist QAnon philosophies in the past month.

“If Geoff wants to make the RNC he needs to start advocating for White Nationalism and imprisonment of immigrants in a more overt fashion,” stated RNC director Jefferson Davis. “He can’t keep quarter-stepping his opinions in an effort to maintain his sponsors and teammates.”

Those statements by Mr. Davis didn’t keep Cameron from allegedly blaming, “extreme left agitators, AnTifa, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Barack HUSSEIN Obama from keeping me from the podium.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Cameron was reportedly on his way to a “COVID is a liberal hoax to take down the President” rally.
