General Manager Of Timbers Slams General Manager Of Thorns

Portland, OR - In a stunning move, Gavin Wilkinson, the General Manager of the Timbers, slammed Gavin Wilkinson, the General Manager of the Thorns, for their involvement in the Paul Riley scandal.

“I fully support the temporary suspension of Gavin Wilkinson from the Thorns,” stated Wilkinson to The Nutmeg News. “And I believe that in order to heal we must investigate, internally, what other parties in the league elsewhere other than here knew during that time.”

Wilkinson stated that he did not believe that Wilkinson’s behavior during the scandal and current uproar would hurt the Timbers brand as he indicated, “This is the Thorns we are talking about, not the Timbers. I’m the general manager of the Timbers, and there’s never been an abuse scandal in the Timbers organization that anyone has reported to the press, so far.”

“I believe in everyone getting a fair shake, and I support due process,” stated Wilkinson about Wilkinson. “We can suspend Wilkinson from the Thorns and that will allow us as a team to move forward towards reconciliation. I believe the facts will show that Wilkinson acted appropriately and I hope to continue working with my counterpart on the Thorns to ensure the safety of everyone in the organization.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this when nothing else happens.
