Soccer Fan Celebrates Black History Month By Writing New SG Song To Macklemore's 'Thrift Shop'

Seattle, WA - Seattle Sounders fan Adam Johanson stated that he wrote a brand new Supporters Group song to Macklemore’s ‘Thrift Shop’ in order to celebrate Black History Month.


“Two of my friends who know Black people said this would be a great way to honor them and make them comfortable in the soccer space,” stated Johanson. “He won a Grammy for Rap and he’s local, so it makes sense. I’ve always said that we needed a more… URBAN… sound to our supporters groups.”

Johanson indicated that he didn’t make this decision in a vacuum as he beta tested the idea with his peers.

“We are a diverse group of people with at least 2 Black fans, and with hard work and listening and learning, maybe we could reach 4 one day. That’s a 200% increase on our overall diversity totals.”

With some indicating that perhaps Johanson could’ve picked a song more representative of a diverse group of fans, he disagreed.

“We are talking about Thrift Shop, here. Everyone loves a good Thrift Shop. I’m trying to build a bigger net and try to have a more progressive fanbase. We understand we need to be more progressive, and that means relating to African Americans on a level they understand. I talked to my friends Ashton, Jaxon, Paxton, Hunter, Tanner, Logan, Wyatt and Kayeleigh on how exactly to do that..”

The Nutmeg News will have more as Johanson claims the capos are racist when they won't start his song.
