Supporter's Group Veteran Announces Retirement From Section In Order To Focus On Relentlessly Criticizing Supporters Groups From Afar

WASHINGTON - D.C. United supporters group veteran Ralph Edmonds announced his retirement from the supporters group section in order to focus the rest of his years on relentlessly criticizing the supporters groups from afar.


“I’m announcing my retirement from the section,” stated Edmonds to his 1,300 follower Twitter account. “And my first act as a venerated elder is to announce that I find that the supporters section no longer has the level of effort, intensity, energy or direction that will support my support and that I could see it coming and I told all the guys who built this thing that it is way worse than it was when we were 20.”

Sources indicate that Edmonds has slowly transitioned into a nostalgic grouch who only can view todays situation through the rose tinted glasses of his early 20s when he roamed a RFK stadium with the swagger that only the truly uninformed in life can give.

“I don’t know what these kids are doing, but back in my day we didn’t sit there on a cellphone,” stated Edmonds as he ranted like his father used to do to him. “We had drum circles in the rain, man. None of this corporate Audi shtick. There hasn’t been a good T.I.F.O display since 1999 and I don’t have a good picture of that one so you’ll have to believe me.”

Treating his grudge against the current youth like a job, Edmonds reportedly castigated the people running things as being, “clueless and not as passionate as we were,” while simultaneously slamming the ownership of United as being, “only interested in money and profiting off the legacy of the old supporters.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Edmonds criticizes the songs sung in the supporters group that he attempted to help get going 20 years ago as being unoriginal.
