Private Twitter Account Really Taking Supporters Group To Task, We Think

NEW YORK - Based upon the volume of responses of other Red Bull fans to an account we can't actually read due to the account being private, it appears that @warhammer4kMetroFan is taking some group in the South Ward to task for all their faults.

“I got a quote tweet on the official account about a scarf order we’re doing that didn’t appear. It had to be @warhammer4kMetroFan. I think they’re still mad they didn’t get a bigger backing to run things though I’m not sure. He’s private.”

A number of responses indicate that @warhammer4kMetroFan is, “speaking truth,” to … something… although a current glance at the account shows nothing but people replying to the account.

“He’s right, but I’m going to let him speak for himself,” stated good friend @BackeUpRB “It’s not my place to explain his words, you’ll just have to get him to accept your follow in order to see everything.”

Despite the privacy, a number of people want answers from whatever group @warhammer4kMetroFan is talking about as they Quote Tweet his unreadable thread, we think, and ask for answers from all involved.

“It’s some really great stuff,” stated @RBNYUSMNTStan. “You just gotta know that he’s speaking with the full passion that this supporters group should really understand and listen to.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as we immediately regret getting access to view @warhammer4kMetroFan’s tweets.
