Misspelling Meme Sweeps MLS As LAFC And NYCFC Get Trendy

Representatives with The Nutmeg News style and life divisions indicate that the Misspelling Meme finally swept across Major League Soccer with Los Angeles Football Club and New York City Football Club the latest examples.

“People everywhere are looking at these somewhat relevant teams as they attempt to get on trend,” stated TNN Lifestyle Editor Phillipa Stewart. “With NYCFC we see the ‘Memebers scarf’, which is clearly an esoteric play on the Members Only trend of the 80s and the reinvention of the jacket in recent years. With LAFC we see a deliberate attempt at trolling Cincinnati by not even acknowledging the correct spelling of the location.”

Sources with the Massachusetts Institute of Psychobabble indicate that there is a deeper meaning to all of this.

“What we see is the Meme Culture War come to light in a way that tries to defray and even kill the ego,” stated Professor Roald Jones. “We see a Meme Ber, not a member. You do not belong, you merely exist to Meme. This is a statement that places the common fan in stark relief against the assailing detritus of the meme economy.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as we take 2 months to figure out what the hell that means and if we find a place where we can buy a Memeber’s Only Jacket.
