"You Really Should Go Into Private Investigation," States Woman To Girlfriend During Hour 2 Of The Krashlyn Debrief

LOS ANGELES - During hour 2 of the debrief to her girlfriend Yasmine Hernandez of the current, ongoing and seemingly never ending Krashlyn Divorce Situation (KDS) that Women’s Soccer fan Laura Williams again was informed, “You really should go into private investigation.”

It was somewhere during the slide presentation that contained a curated list of all current and former teammates that was collated alongside comments on Ali Kriegers social media that was then also tied back to the decision tree of which player was siding with which Krieger or Harris that re-informed Hernandez that her girlfriend seems to have an unending talent for sniffing out online dirt.

“Seriously,” stated Hernandez to Williams. “I’m telling you there has to be a way to leverage this talent for good.”

Hernandez then pointed to William’s 26 part tweet storm from the morning of day 3 that detailed the exact timing and location of Harris over the last six months and what that means to the situation at hand as she stated, “I don’t know what all this is but holy shit. Wait. Did you do this when we started dating?”

For her part, Williams stated this was standard operating procedure for people in the WoSo sphere who love messy drama as much as she does as she stated, “I’m not happy with the situation, but I’m not about to sleep until I can detail… to the minute… what brought Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris together, when they got together, where exactly they were when it happened and what Ali Krieger knew if anything.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Hernandez starts to fall asleep somewhere around hour 3 on day 5 of the deep dive presentation.
