Soccer Researchers Indicate MLS Playoffs May Actually Be Starting Soon

INTERNET - Researchers and unpaid interns with the University of South Davis released a paper today that indicates that the Major League Soccer (MLS) playoffs may actually be starting soon.

“Doing the work so you don’t have to.”

“There are enough signs and data points that we feel comfortable indicating that the playoffs may be starting soon,” stated Richard Evans, a research with USD.

The paper, which was released on Monday, indicates strong positive signs for playoffs that include —

  1. Teams playing each other multiple times which may indicate a multi game series or possibly the end of the season

  2. Increased Ticket Prices

  3. Statistical research that it’s almost winter and playoffs are usually starting now

Sources with the university indicate that many fans have had a, “feeling in their bones that the playoffs should be starting soon,” however they indicated that they refused to rely on simple feelings as an indicator that the playoffs were starting.

“We are not the farmers almanac,” stated one researcher. “It’s important for us to collect data points that indicate when the playoffs start rather than relying on whether a beaver tells a rain drop to fall on a persimmon and that means 3 more Crew/Atlanta United games.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as the paper is rejected as being unfounded by Miami research associated.
