Soccer Supporter Settles Into Familiar Springtime Routine Of Arguing With Complete Strangers Online

Seattle, WA - Sounders supporter Andrew Adams stated that it felt really nice as he settled into his familiar springtime routine of arguing with complete strangers online about the results and team.

“It’s a comforting feeling,” stated Adams to The Nutmeg News. “It’s like daffodils blooming or opening up the windows to clean the house. I went from talking mostly about extended universe Star Wars plots to spending last night on Twitter calling this guy who just started following me a complete fucking idiot. I don’t know who he is or where he lives, but I hope he had a bad night. You know, that alone makes me think about the changing of the seasons and the movement of time. Ah spring, the time of renewal.”

Sources say that Adams took to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Discord to rant about the team as he saved Reddit for the morning.

“I like to be confrontational for breakfast,” stated Adams. “It’s something I’ve built into my seasonal renaissance. With the loss, it makes it nice and easy to really get into it with some of the dumbasses I see online.”

Sources say that Adams seemed especially chipper as he Tweeted, “Time for some spring cleaning,” as he blocked several ECS members that he never met in real life.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Adams transitions into, “giving up,” for the summer before proclaiming, “we’re back,” for the fall.
