Soccer Fan Shocked As Chatroom For Illegal Online Premier League Stream Doesn't Have Any Racism

INTERNET - Soccer fan Jarrod Williams stated that he was completely shocked as the chatroom he logged into for an illegal online Premier League stream from the past weekend didn’t have any racism, sexism or blatant homophobia.

“I thought that it wasn’t working for a second,” stated Williams to The Nutmeg News. “But then someone asked a question about the Brighton score and someone else responded without using a racial slur. It was completely baffling.”

Sources say that Williams claims to have logged into the only chat room that wasn’t a heaving pile of racist shit, this weekend, as researchers with the Guilloite Advanced Research Group (GARP) indicated his luck.

“We survey hundreds of chat rooms,” stated one baffled researcher. “In all of them it was what appears to be 13 year old kids typing racist words to 24 year old men responding with racist and homophobic slurs. The fact that Williams claims he found one is questionable at best.”

Sources with GARP say that Williams is being brought in for a cerebral scan to indicate whether he has any brain issues that would make him think this was the case.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Williams claims that he was able to click on a stream without getting 46 popups, 26 porn advertisements and 13 download attempts to his computer as researchers find a severe brain tumor in his frontal lobe.
