DC United Fan Totally Lives For Churros

WASHINGTON - DC United fan Raphael Hoenigs admitted on Facebook that he "Totally lives for Churros, Bro" on Monday.

"I never knew it was such a passion of his," said girlfriend Melody Racine. "It's really become a thing for him. Every home game before the team kicks off he is out sampling, comparing and writing about Churros."

Hoenigs started his twitter account @OMG_DCUNITEDCHURROS in a fit of passion after having a near religious experience when eating the churros served at RFK. Soon he was spreading the word to tens of anonymous people who look upon him as the ultimate churro source for the DC United going fan that doesn't stock up on churros before they enter the stadium.

"It's been an unbelievable ride from then til now and I only hope it continues. My love of the churro will continue and I only hope United tickets stay as affordable as they currently are so that I can continue my obsession" said Hoenigs. 

When asked about DC United itself Hoenigs said. "Well, they are good, but honestly.... the only that never lets me down are the churros... if you know what I mean."

