Fans Of Other Major League Soccer Teams Now #MLS4LigaMX

Thanks to the meddling interference of Major League Soccer (MLS) and their single entity shenanigans with regards to the possibility of loaning a goalkeeper from one of their franchises to Montreal for one game, more MLS fans are now hoping that Club America just thrashes the MLS team from Montreal.

TNN reporters spoke with fans from the Chicago Fire on Saturday after the news broke that the league was considering loaning Sean Johnson from Chicago to Montreal.

"This is bullshit and another example of Minor League Soccer's attempt at screwing all the fans of Chicago so it looks big internationally," said plumber and Chicago Fire fan Ralph Branze. "Any interest I had in Montreal winning the league has completely gone now and I want them to go down in a fiery ball of incompetence."

TNN spoke with school teacher Penelope Danzier and she had the following to say, "I can't see why I would care if another team won the CONCACAF Champions League. I root for the Fire, and having to deal with the crap that comes from the MLS front office and my own teams front office is not a benefit that encourages me to have some semblance of league pride. All MLS is doing is showing how small it is with this kind of idea."

With recent news that the league and owners of the team may not be considering this short term intra-league anymore, TNN reporters spoke with deputy comissioner Mark Abbot about the loan issue.

"Look, we own your team. Your players are on loan from us to your team. Just think of your team as an Arby's and we give you the theoretical ability to hire and fire the team members that join. Technically we still own your Arby's and technically we can hire, fire and transfer people at will, but we like to pretend like your local Arby's has autonomy. In reality, MLS will do literally whatever it wants at any time to the local franchises that it runs and if that happens to be transferring a player for the good of the league, than so be it."

Meanwhile, more messages of support are starting to come in for Club America from fans of teams like Vancouver, Toronto, Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, Kansas City, Orlando, Columbus and Red Bull New York. Many of the fans of these teams are now #MLS4LigaMX thanks to the bumblefoot way in which MLS has tried to handle this.

TNN will continue covering this issue as it happens.

