Fan Struggles All Day Trying To Answer Meaningless Theoretical Team Question Posited To Him On Twitter

Orlando, FL - Orlando City fan Sam Stephens struggled all day after having a meaningless theoretical question asked to him whether he would want Orlando City to win the next three games and sign Danny Alves but lose Kaka to injury  or lose the next 20 games but sign Lionel Messi in 7 years.

"I mean, it's hard to decide." said Stephens. "My friend Tom asked me this question on twitter and I just can't figure out what I'd rather have the team do. And what does it say about me as a fan that I would want the team to lose 20 games in order to sign Messi in 7 years. It is just so difficult to figure out what to do that doesn't have an impact at all to the team on the field."

Stephens friend, Tom Sullivan, said that he originally threw out the question on Twitter because he was bored and work and he thought it would be hilarious to troll Mr Stephens. "He thinks way too much about stuff that doesn't make any sense, so I knew this would just cause him to implode in self flagellation. The fact that Sam thinks that what he wishes may have any impact on how the team will perform in the next 10 years is mind boggling. Not to mention the internal monologue that seems to happen to Sam on whether he is a good fan or not for hoping that his team theoretically would lose 20 games for a benefit."

Mr Stephens said that while he has thought about this all day that he isn't going to lose any sleep over the issue. "I just know that I'm going to support Orlando City, even if they have to lose 20 games to sign Lionel Messi. I just hope that Sam stops with these meaningless questions that make me question my own self worth as a fan, it is exhausting."

Tom Sullivan later updated his twitter status to read, "Would you rather Orlando lose all future games against the Western conference for the next 10 years to make MLS cup once?"


