Detroit City Fan Complains, "It's Not Like It Was Two Months Ago."

Detroit, MI - Detroit City fan, Thomas Sway, had some very serious complaints launched into the boundless void of opinion known as his Twitter feed and Facebook wall, recently.

"THERE'S TOO MANY GODDAMN TOURISTS" said Sway to his collection of 56 followers online. "People just aren't invested like they were 2 months ago. 2 months ago we had full commitment from everyone. Now people just stand on the sideline, cross their arms and act like they are here to be entertained by us and the guys on the field."

The Nutmeg News spoke with Sandra Brookhaven, NPSL Sociologist, Director of Communication and director of the Orange Julius in Troy, MI at the Oakland Mall Shopping Center, who had the following to say, "With the surge of popularity in the area, Detroit City FC is now dealing with the same influx of selfie obsessed, anti-smoke, anti-singing minority that comes out when everyone starts telling them that a certain scene is cool. Much like other North American soccer  teams with passionate support, they are now having to shape their own story around the influx of travelling do-nothing mobs that infiltrate every supporters section at nearly every level in Canada and the United States. Or at least that is what happened on the Dave Matthew's Band tour."

Sway had more to say as he continued his rant, "Granted, I only came on at the beginning of 2015, but I learned quickly that you sing or get out of the way. These new kids are ruining it for everyone with their ability to not want to do anything. If I could do anything it is to go back to the halcyon days of 2014 when everyone cared about the team. Now, THOSE were the days."

The Nutmeg News also spoke with DCFC fan Claire Prescott who has supported the team since 2014, "2014? I wish that I could go back to the heady days of 2013 when the support was new and everyone was in it together, now that would be great!"

TNN reached out to supporters groups for the Timbers, Sounders, Impact, and Orlando about this issue and they said, "Welcome to the club."


