Orlando, FL - Orlando City inaugurated their new Doritos Pitch Side Pool with a win on Wednesday night.
Time For A Swim!
"We thought this would be a new way to bring fans into our stadium," said director of Public Relations Ron Johnson. "While most fans are doing outreach to fans, they aren't engaging them to the same level that we are now that we have our Doritos Pitch Side Pool (tm)."
Johnson indicated that the pool would not only help beat the heat at Orlando City games, but as well the water would come in several popular Doritos flavors including Cool Ranch, Spicy Nacho and Doritos new JACKED - Spicy Chipotle BBQ.
"We like our fan base to not only see our sponsors but feel a light coated film against their skin of our sponsors for the rest of the day. When your friends say, 'where did you get that odor' the pool going Orlando City fan can say, 'that is the smell of winning, and Doritos Cool Ranch flavored pool."