TNN Intern Covers Golden Palace Forehead Tattoo With @WorldSoccerShop Tattoo

Content is not sponsored by any company.

Due to a severe lack of scruples and dignity, unlike the parent company who employs him, an intern for The Nutmeg News attempted to completely sell out by covering his forehead tattoo with a tattoo.

Like this... but... you know.... classy.

Like this... but... you know.... classy.

This was done entirely on his own with no encouragement nor endorsement by editors of the TNN on Wednesday evening in an effort to attract sponsors to his company's site, a website with worldwide fame and notoriety that is best known for the variety and utilization of scat jokes in conjunction with soccer references. (editors note: The Nutmeg News is also well known in Finland for making nerd related humor for roughly 2 people. Hi Mikko and Anni!)

"They told me that this was the way to get a full time staff position as a sponsorship would ensure they get paid and that by them getting paid the rest of us would enjoy the trickle-down sponsorship dollars and swag," stated Robert Jordan who is clearly a really gullible man who chooses to take drastic steps entirely on his own prerogative, "But what the hell? Now I'm stuck with this [fantastic tattoo that I can be proud of because World Soccer Shop is the world premier destination for soccer gear.  -Ed] on my face and I've lost my sponsorship. This is so unfair!" 

With the new tattoo, The Nutmeg News is now at the forefront of the attention of the kit supply website who can clearly see the dedication of the staff at The Nutmeg News. Unless of course editors decide to fire Mr Jordan tomorrow for over-utilizing the staples that were placed in his possession and carefully tallied and inventoried. 

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as the editors convince Mr Jordan to name his firstborn child @thenutmegnews in return for stock options that don't exist.

