Mobile, AL - Heroic grandmother Dolores Billingsly ventured deep onto the internet in order to find a gift for her Arsenal supporting grandson Dominic as she boldly took the step to purchase what he casually requested this season.
"This has to be the jersey he wanted"
A grandmother of 10, Dolores stated that she was going to take the bold step of trying to get what her grandchildren wanted this season.
"I made a real effort to try to find out what Dominic and all the kids wanted this season," stated Mrs. Billingsly to our reporter. "I asked my daughter and she said that Dominic supported some team like the San Antonio Spurs so this must be it. It took a real effort to find something like this on the computer. I had to log on and go to the Google to find a place that would even sell something like this. When I bought my Myron a jacket for Alabama we just went to the store when we visited Tuscaloosa, but I guess things are different these days."
Dominic Billingsly stated to his mother that he, "just wanted something Arsenal based because I hate Spurs. I'm betting that gramma just gets me a gift certificate to JC Penny again."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Billingsly attempts to continue smiling throughout opening presents as he casually strikes up a conversation to find out the return policy of the website that his grandmother used.