Revolution Supporters Release Chant That Just Contains The Word "Oi"

Foxborough, MA - New England Revolution supporters group The Rebellion have announced the release of a new chant that just contains the word "Oi!" repeated 365 different times to syncopated rhythms.

Oi - Oi - Oi - Oi - Oi -- REPEAT

Oi - Oi - Oi - Oi - Oi -- REPEAT

The Rebellion announced this new chant after realizing that Oi was a pretty great word that deserved to be utilized more and more in their song repertoire.

"Oi is pretty great," stated the Rebellion leadership committee via an email exchange with The Nutmeg News, "Both as a subgenre and as a word. We love Oi, of course that being the anti-fascist and working class Oi and not the white power or nationalist/fascist Oi which we roundly reject as a bastardization of the culture. In order to show our love of Oi, as a subgenre of punk and Oi! the commonly used British and Australian interjection, we created a new chant for the Revolution that utilizes the word Oi sung over and over again 365 times (to show that we work 365 days a year for the Revolution) to syncopated rhythms that will be played repeatedly until we all pass out into a well lathered and lubricated pile of sweat."

While this new chant is simple, the Revolution supporters have printed out a chant sheet showing the new chant, which is being called "The Oi Chant".


Oi! - REPEAT 200 times



The vocals for The Oi Chant are accompanied by massive jumping in the stands called a "pogo" something that will reportedly, "Make everything seem really freaking cool."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as The Oi Chant frenzy sweeps over The Fort.

