FC Cincinnati Play-By-Play Commentator To Spend Next Three Weeks Learning How To Pronounce Louisville

Cincinnati, OH - FC Cincinnati play by play commentator Tom Gelehrter has announced that he will spend the next three weeks learning how to correctly say Louisville correctly in anticipation of calling the Louisville City versus FC Cincinnati game.

It's Lewis Vil! LOOLYVILLE?! ahhhhh, nevermind.

It's Lewis Vil! LOOLYVILLE?! ahhhhh, nevermind.

"I've been told that it isn't pronounced LoooooooeyVeeeel," stated Mr Gelehrter to The Nutmeg News on Tuesday. "So I've taken it upon myself to hire a diction coach to pronounce it the right way. We've started with general Kentucky vowel sounds and we hope to be ready to go with the pronunciation by the 16th of April."

Reportedly, the general consensus of the pronunciation of Louisville varies depending upon the amount of Yankee one has in their blood, but this isn't stopping a man from Ohio at trying to learn how to state the city.

"I'm already practicing on making that hidden a/uh sound, and I'm going to master this. I've got enough time and by the time it comes around I'm going to be saying Cinacinnati and Ohiuho. It only makes sense that I should take interest in this. As I have always said, there's a lot of Ohio in Louis Ville and it's not just the river," stated Mr Gelehrter with a wink and a knowing nod.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this when he pronounces it LoooeyVeel right off the bat.
