NEW YORK - Red Bull fan Henry Zorn has confirmed that he is disappointed that his voice is returning to normal levels on Wednesday after attending the Toronto v Red Bull game in the South Ward on Sunday.
"How can I say that I'm a true fan if my voice returns by Wednesday," moaned a desperate Zorn to The Nutmeg News on Wednesday morning.
"My friends will know that I didn't give me all for the team, and that level of commitment is unacceptable."
Mr. Zorn indicated that his friends Denarius Howard and Jason Bradford both still have only low range in their voices and that their high range hasn't returned confirming his theory that he didn't give enough of himself on Sunday.
"This is not a good thing. I shouldn't be able to sing, I should still be croaking when I talk. I started to realize there was a problem when I could hit some higher range notes as I was listening to Adele in my apartment getting ready for work this morning. Imagine my horror, a supporter in a supporters group, when I can sing and talk normally by Wednesday. I'll never live this down."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Mr Zorn tries to blow out his voice in excess on the 19th against the Houston Dynamo.