A recent nationwide survey administered by statistical analysis site www.540.com, found that 99% of Americans are fine ignoring sports violence, unless it happens in soccer.
This guy is not a hooligan, mostly because he is a Dolphins fan. If he was a fan of Miami FC, well... he would be a hooligan then.
"We don't bat an eye if 40 some people are arrested during a drunken brawl in and around a Green Bay Packers and Miami Dolphins game, but if three morons get into a fist fight in front of Yankee Stadium before a soccer game, that is clearly American's aping English hooligan culture," stated Dan Glassman, director of 540.com.
"We asked Americans whether they were fine terming any kind of confrontation anywhere regarding soccer as hooliganism and they stated an overwhelming yes. When asked if they would say that violence around the National Football League is hooliganism, they stated no. Regardless of the scale of fan on fan violence surrounding the National Football League and even Baseball being immeasurably higher than that in North American soccer, fans were much more likely to call out any kind of drunken violence by soccer fans as Hooliganism."
Reportedly, 540.com even asked individuals across America when hooliganism begins in their mind with the following phrase and received the following response.
"One man fights another man" - Not Hooliganism
"One man fights another man in New York" - Not Hooliganism
"One man fights another man in New York in front of Yankee Stadium" - Not Hooligansim
"One man fights another man in New York in front of Yankee Stadium before a soccer game." - HOOLIGANSIM, GREEN STREET, FOOTBALL FACTORY!
The Nutmeg News found this reflected in many places but certainly obvious in recent articles by website Deadspin, in which they categorized fan violence depending on the sport.
Hey, It's just fans brawling. Just some drunk idiots... right?
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as drunk idiots continue to be drunk idiots regardless of the sport.