American Outlaws Start Gym And Fight Club For Russia 2018 Prep

Lincoln, NE - The American Outlaws have reportedly started a gym and fight club in preperation for the upcoming 2018 World Cup in Russia.


"It's our goal to show the Russians that we can fight with the best of them," stated 18 year old server administrator John Mikowski from Staten Island who spoke with an American Flag bandanna covering his face. "I've got two years to put on 100 pounds and learn how to fight on the street. It seems like a completely reasonable proposal."

Reportedly, the Outlaws are working not only on their physical fitness and fighting acumen, but as well their ability to take threatening photos as they have a photography school graduate from the Madison Media Institute heading up their new "How to look tough" classes which will help them compete with the Russian Hooligan firms recently pictured with their bloodied trophies from Euro 2016.

The Nutmeg News spoke with American Outlaws media handler Davis Navan about this new program and he had the following to say.

"We understand the expectation that we are the best because we come from the best country and we have outlaw in our name. We plan on defending our constitution and the declaration of Independence, which the commie Russians have yet to acknowledge."

According to Mr Navan, the Outlaws have developed their own technique of martial arts that has levels renamed from descriptors like Crane Style to patriotic standards appropriate to the Outlaws mystique.

"We developed a new martial arts methodology that we call REGIME CHANGE. Our levels are as follows

Level 1: Rocky 1: First Blood


Level 3: The Bay Of Pigs

Level 4: The Alamo

Level 5: Viet-Fucking-Nam

That's RIGHT! REGIME CHANGE!!! STRIKE FIRST! STRIKE HARD! NO MERCY, SIR!! The Outlaws will win the fight like General Lee won Antietam with Generals Bo and Luke Duke."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as The American Outlaws prepare to bring their World Cup Allocation of drunken fans in flag capes with Back-To-Back World War Champ t-shirts to the streets of Moscow in 2018.

