Fan There To Support Regardless Of The Style Or Results Really Tired Of The Results And Style

Jacksonville, FL - Despite stating multiple times that he will continue going to Jacksonville Armada games regardless of the style of play or results, Armada fan Brandon Farver has publicly stated, "I'm getting really, really, really tired of these losses and this style of play."

I can't NOT go to the games... Look... they are hanging sold signs on the seats! WHO KNOWS WHAT THAT MEANS.

Reportedly, the conflict with his previously stated ethos came when the Armada lost their 5th game of the 10 game spring season to the Ottawa Fury by a score of 1-0. 

Mr. Farver was found in front of his television shaking his head and repeatedly stating, "Someone... ANYONE... This is getting really exhausting. It almost makes someone not want to even go out to the freaking stadium to watch this crap. WILL SOMEONE ON THIS FREAKING TEAM SCORE A FREAKING GOAL."

The disconnect to his previously unshakable, "I positively support the team no matter what happens" ethos came as no surprise to Mr. Farver's friend Joyce Kenniworth of Fruit Cove. 

"I told him that he needed to be flexible. That sometimes teams play well and sometimes they play poorly and that when they play poorly... he might not want to actually go watch them play. He was bound and determined to be all blustery about showing up to every game and cheering on the Armada, though."

Reportedly, Mr. Farver made a deal with himself after the 1-1 draw against Tampa Bay that he wouldn't let the Armada hurt him again, but that he would go to games with a renewed cynicism that allows him to simultaneously support his club while expecting their failure at every level.

The Nutmeg News will have more on Mr. Farver at the end of the Fall season.

