With the United States Open Cup kicking off again on Tuesday night, fans of teams in the competition attempted to remember which team their team is playing
The 1999 Rochester Rhinos (Photo: TheCup.us)
As Major League Soccer teams begin entering the competition on this date, many fans are just now pulling themselves out of an international stupor to find that their club is now playing some club from the lower division just salivating at the chance to knock them out of the competition.
"Honestly, I'm not even certain if my club actually remembers they are playing tonight... wait..... is it tonight or tomorrow....," stated Revolution fan Isaac Presley. "I had to check around to see that we were playing the Railhawks, otherwise I wouldn't even know."
"We are playing the Wilmington Hammerheads?" stated Carla Estepor from Sandy, UT. "Are they any good this year? Do I know any of their players? What time is the game?"
Administrators state that hits to the 2016 bracket on TheCup.US spiked in the attempt of fans trying to learn which team their team is playing at what time and on which day.
"I'm hoping to ease myself back into actually caring about soccer like a kid gently dipping their toe into a pool," stated Seattle Sounders fan Joe Williams who is attending the Kitsap Pumas versus Sounders game. "At least this way I'll be ready for the next league game. I don't think my muscles have atrophied too much from not really doing anything for the past two weeks."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as some lower division team upsets an upper division team in front of a few thousand people.