Atlanta Silverbacks To Employ 1 To 1 Security Presence For Fan Comfort

Atlanta, GA - The Atlanta Silverbacks ownership have announced that they will be employing a 1 to 1 security presence for fan comfort in the supporters group section at their upcoming games in light of the criticism they received about sending security into the stands to search for contraband alcohol.

"I'm just going to reach into your personal belongings here, and... oh... would you look at that... I found some Funyuns as well... I'm going to take those too."  photo: @ASFCTrust

"We decided that our few fans that show up in the supporters sections should be inconvenienced for their opinions on our policy and bringing in contraband beer," stated FD Dolleh, general manager of the Silverbacks. "We implemented a new policy that allows all of our supporters that attend Silverbacks games with their own personal security chapparone in order to cut down on shenanigans, beer drinking, ballyhoo and inappropriate behaviour in the stands."

Reportedly, this whole situation started when a Silverbacks fan snuck in a Redd's Apple Beer to the recent game and wouldn't share that beer with Mr Dolleh who stated, "It was then that I realized that they were undercutting the tiny margins that exist with running an NPSL side in the first place. And I'm not sure but I think we sell this stuff at the stadium," he paused at this point in the interview, pulled out his cell phone and called the front office to ask whether they sold beer at the stadium.

Our reporter spoke with Dick Everly, a Silverbacks fan, about this situation and he had the following to say, "They should just be happy they have any fans attending their games. It isn't like it's been easy to follow the team over the past few years."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as both sides come to an understanding that if you bring contraband beer to the game, the least you could do is share one with the general manager.
