"We Already Have Too Much Publicity," States Real Salt Lake

Salt Lake City, UT - Showing their power in the local market, Real Salt Lake decided to ban Salt Lake Tribune sports writer and Radio talking head Gordon Monson as the team stated, "We already have too much publicity."

"This team doesn't need more publicity, it needs LESS publicity. We need fewer people talking about the team and fewer people thinking about the team. The less news the better, I say."

The Nutmeg News spoke to owner and prickly real-estate personality Dell Loy Hansen about the recent press kerfuffle and he had the following to say.

"Too many people are talking about soccer here in the United States and way, way, way too many people are writing and talking about soccer in Salt Lake City. We, at Real Salt Lake, want people to stop talking about soccer, stop writing about soccer, and let us return back to the days when the team played at Rice Eccles and nobody gave a shit."

Reportedly, Hansen felt aggrieved that the Salt Lake Tribune and Monson would cover Real Salt Lake and actually write critical things about the team as Hansen stated, "We aren't here for sports writers to cover and write critical things. Save that for sports that matter like the NBA. We are here to make money, sell merchandise and not be judged critically. If I wanted to be judged critically I'd go on American Idol."

Despite their chickenshit approach to media management, Real Salt Lake and Dell Loy Hansen maintain that they are in the right regarding the credential revocation for Monson stating, "Screw that guy, anyway. WE WRITE THE NEWS HERE, NOT THE WRITERS OR THE NEWSPAPER."
