Woman Willing To Give It 10 More Games Til She Decides If Team Is Good

WASHINGTON - DC United fan Paula Newberry has admitted that after 24 games played she still can't tell if her beloved United are crap or good.

"Honestly, I just don't have a clue anymore."

"I'm gonna give it 10 more games," stated Ms. Newberry in an interview with The Nutmeg News. "10 more games til I decide if this team is crap, or the best thing ever. Once we hit the final game of the season I really hope to actually have a better idea of what in the ever loving fuck is going on."

With United barely hanging on to a playoff place, currently, Ms. Newberry has admitted to having a pantheon of opinions at her fingertips for how the season has gone.

"Some of my friends are saying the team is poorly and cheaply constructed. They say that OIsen doesn't know what he is doing and that we are just wandering our way through the season. Others say that we haven't seen everything this team can do, yet. That we are currently four games unbeaten, that there's still 10 games left and who knows what happens when you make it into the playoffs."

While the difference in opinion has polarized her friends, Ms. Newberry stated that she still doesn't have an opinion on the team and hopes to develop one by the final game of the year against Orlando.

"If I don't have one by then, hopefully I'll have an opinion on this years team by the team that the 2017 season begins."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Ms. Newberry takes to twitter to tell everyone that there's still plenty of time left in the season.

