Soccer Journalist Starts Blog And Twitter Account On Form 1120 Corporate Tax Filing

NEW YORK - According to sources, soccer journalist Davis Wall stated, "This'll show em," as he started a blog and twitter account to report on the complexities of Form 1120 Corporate Tax Filing from an outsiders perspective.

Wall was fed up with so-called amateur experts starting blogs and twitter accounts on Soccer, so he decided to feed these experts their comeuppance by reporting on the things that THEY get paid to do. Specifically, he decided to chase the World's Game of Corporate Tax Filing and the vagaries of the United States tax code.

"I mean, this will really show those fake sports bloggers what is up, because my blog on C Corporation debt liability and the vagaries of S Corporation shareholder reports is going to blow these TAM/GAM articles out of the water."

Wall stated, to our reporters, that his original intent was to shake up the establishment of the United States Tax Code, but ran into a problem when his careful blogging and analytics of the current corporate taxholder/shareholder situation in the United States resulted in him being offered a paying job as an accountant.

"I didn't really intend for that to happen, but it appears that in any OTHER profession than sports writing.... if you are good at something, you eventually can get paid for it. Now I have to decide if I want to continue sports writing or if I want to take this lucrative position to work 60 hours a week at an accounting firm. Not all of us were lucky enough to graduate with Arizona State with a degree in business. Some of us went to Emerson and got a degree in Journalism. I still can’t believe I’m paying that off"

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Wall accepts the position but only if he can continue to blog about his true passion of sports.
