Sounders Fan Suffers Cold Neck During Morning Commute

Seattle, WA - Sounders fan August Darrow admitted to feeling a, “bit of a chill,” as they attempted to figure out a way to warm their neck during their morning commute.

“I have a peg-board full of scarves, but those are for soccer. What am I supposed to use when my neck is cold?” stated Darrow to their Facebook feed.

Darrow spent the last few months covered in sweat and scarves whilst standing and swaying in the Brougham End cheering on their beloved Sounders. However, the increasingly cool temperatures in the morning lent itself to a different mode of dress that would keep them warm.

“Scarves are for soccer, though,” stated Darrow to good friend and fellow employee Melissa Howard. “I can’t just wear a soccer scarf outside of a game, those are game scarves. I bring them even when it is 90 degrees.”

Ms. Howards advice of, “you know, buy a scarf for cold weather,” was rebuffed by Darrow as they stated, “I have a closet full of scarves, I just don’t have a scarf that I wear to keep my neck warm. Look, I wear my scarves for soccer not for warmth because it’s hardly ever cold when I’m going to games. It’s all just very confusing. I clearly need a scarf for cold weather, but I have too many scarves.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Darrow tries to find an ECS scarf for commuting.
