American With German Heritage And Argentine Heritage ALSO Has Brazilian Heritage

NEW YORK - Every four year soccer fan David Heinze stated that despite previously having indicated that he has German heritage and Argentine heritage that he recently discovered that he ALSO has Brazilian heritage... on his grandfather's second cousin's wife side of the family.

"Yes, primarily my father's side of the Heinze family comes from Bavaria and my mother's family comes from Córdoba, Argentina ," stated Heinze to The Nutmeg News. "However, completely coincidentally and totally unrelated to the events of today my grandfather's second cousin's wife was from São Paulo, Brazil."

Friends say that they find it suspicious that Heinze bothered to exclaim this new found loyalty as the fourth goal for France went in against an Argentinian side that seemed outclassed on the day., but they accepted his transition into a Seleção ultra with measured patience as Heinze removed a picture of Lionel Messi and replaced it with a picture of Neymar and Pele.

"How many of those training tops do you have," stated good friend Claudia Gonzalez as Heinze walked out of his bedroom wearing a never-worn Brazil top. 

"It's important for me to display my heritage during this World Cup," stated Heinze as he completely ignored her question. "I'm not just a German fan or an Argentine fan, but I feel strongly connected to that side of the family that I've never met who decided to marry a Brazilian many years ago.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Heinze investigates his family tree on to find out if he also has a distant French cousin, just in case.
