Man Has, "A Lot Of Things Going On Right Now, But Keep Me In Mind The NEXT Time You Paint"

St Louis, MO - According to a hastily worded voicemail message left on supporter's group member Dontrell Williams phone, Robert Henry of St. Louis has, "a lot of things going on right now, but keep me in mind the NEXT time you paint."

"Yeah, bro, TREY busy, bro. I've got like a concert and a few things going on, yeah. TOTALLY packed weekend. Man, like... I only have Overwatch penciled in around 2:00 am."

Henry reportedly approached some people with the Louligans supporters group a few months ago about painting T.I.F.O and groused online about the lack of opportunity with regards to the opportunity to paint.

According to friend Paul Prince, "Bobby just wanted to get more involved."

However, when Williams contacted Henry with the opportunity to be involved in painting the next Louligans T.I.F.O, Henry was reportedly busy.

"This is like the 4th time I've reached out to him," stated Williams to The "Nutmeg News. "At this point, I'm just not going to reach out anymore. Every single time he is busy, or sick, or moving, or previously scheduled."

With Henry unavailable, Williams called St Louis supporter Carla Sanchez for the 26th time for her help as he stated, "If Carla didn't come in every time we would be screwed."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Carla Sanchez admits that the continual reliance on her skills is draining her ability to enjoy going to games anymore.
