Earthquakes Fan Starting To Think Team Isn't Making Playoffs

San Jose, CA - Earthquakes fan Tanya Esposito attracted severe condemnation from her fellow fans as she expressed her reservations towards the Earthquakes playoff chances as they currently sit dead last in the Western Conference 24 points adrift from the final playoff spot with four games remaining.

You just gotta believe.

“I just don’t think we are going to make it this year,” stated Esposito in a Facebook post where she was slated for being a fair weather fan. “It seems like we aren’t a very good team this season and I think we are just going to play out the rest of the games and look towards 2019.”

According to new Facebook friend Dave Stewart, a man who friended Ms. Esposito after they met once at an Earthquakes watch party, there’s no room for this kind of thinking as there’s still, “plenty left to play for in the season.”

“You sound like all the other noob fans,” stated Mr. Stewart, an Earthquakes fan of the last three seasons. “Ready to give up when things aren’t going our way. We can still rebound and close out the season well. We finally got rid of Stahre and things are really going to come together.”

However, despite this wealth of fact based testimony given by Mr. Stewart, Ms. Esposito stated that she was still pretty certain that the Earthquakes weren’t going to make a playoff run as she indicated that math, of all things, bore her suspicious out.

“I just don’t think that there’s enough of the season left to make a charge or a change,” stated Ms. Esposito to a flurry of comments about her analytical ability.

The Nutmeg News will have more when this fake fan is drummed out of the stadium for not believing hard enough in her team.
