NEW YORK - Red Bull supporter Kevin Anderson stated that he was finally ready to unveil his completely original player song for retired Red Bull New York player Juan Pablo Angel roughly 14 years after Angel played his last game for the team.
Everyone remember this time? No? Are we all agreeing this never happened? No? Ok, carry on.
“I never loved that There’s Only One Pablo Angel song,” stated Anderson to The Nutmeg News. “It wasn’t befitting of a player of his stature and influence. So in about 2009 I started on a project to come up with a completely original, never referenced by any other supporters group or soccer club, totally new song for JPA.”
According to friends and fellow supporters, Anderson was obsessed with the idea and continued working even after Angel left the team in 2010.
“He just kept forging ahead,” stated good friend Danny Stevens. “He refused to sing anything at all for JPA while he was here as he kept saying that all the ideas that were tried or suggested were terrible and not worthy of who he was as a player.”
Anderson continued his quixotic quest by researching every team in England for every player chant they’ve ever done, the melody for it and the relevance of the song to popular culture before he moved on to leagues in Europe..
“It was important to be thorough” state Anderson. “I attempted to run through the catalog of soul classics, 80’s new wave, classic rock, stoner rock, Electro dance pop, K-pop, Broadway musicals and even a small dalliance on the usability of spoken word poems from the 1800s. In the end I realized that the only way to be original was to create an entirely new form of music for him that no one has ever heard before.”
Fellow Red Bull fan Alyssa Gutierrez stated that she had Andersons new song played for her.
“I can honestly agree that it is absolutely and completely original,” stated Gutierrez as she appeared to be choosing her words very delicately.
For his part, Anderson remains satisfied by his effort as, “long last we have a song that is worthy of the player that he was nine years ago.”
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Anderson attempts to figure out how to sing the song for Angel now that he is retired.