Thrilled Caleb Porter Frowns In Excitement As Nagbe Acquisition Confirmed

Columbus, OH - A thrilled Caleb Porter reportedly frowned in excitement as the Darlington Nagbe acquisition by the Columbus Crew was announced on Wednesday.

It’s a celebration collage!

“He thought about smirking,” stated one Crew insider. “But then he attempted to force a smirk which turned into a frown which turned into a stare and I had to leave the room.”

Reporters state that a scowling and perpetually deadpan Porter stated, “I’m thrilled, anything else?”

Other people covering the acquisition press conference stated that Porter appeared to be in high spirits as he lifted his mood from embattled to wishing he was literally anywhere else in the world.

“That was easily the best press conference we’ve seen since he came to Columbus,” stated Dispatch journalist Roger Danvers. “He just sat their blinking and frowning in what was clearly unrestrained glee.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Porter celebrates the Nagbe deal by cancelling all non-mandatory press conferences until the first of the year.
