Woman With No Free Time Would Really Like To Be More Involved In Supporters Group

Philadelphia, PA - Phildelphia Union fan Fran Kazakou stated that she would, “really like to be more involved in the supporters group,” for the Union while also privately admitting that she has very little free time to herself anymore to her friend Theresa Williams.

“Oh god, did I forget to turn off the space heater next to the scarves?”

“I’d love to be able to help,” stated Kazakou to Ben Brode, a fellow supporter with the Sons Of Ben. “Just let me know what you need and I’ll see what I can do.”

According to friends, Kazakou is frightfully busy as every single moment of her day is planned out from getting her daughter to school, to working, to making dinner, to helping with homework, to trying to keep up with things around the house, to learning to knit in the evenings in order to make inexpensive Christmas Presents this year (again) and attempting to keep up with the stories of her friends voluminously shared on Marco Polo.

“I don’t know how she does it,” stated good friend Stacy Anderson. “I’m up to my ears in soccer practice and trying to just not fall apart at the end of the day and she has to do it all herself.”

According to her fellow fans, however, none of this has kept Kazakou from offering her completely impossible services to any kind of project they have available.

“She came in power loading some kind of Turkish coffee from a hydro flask,” stated Union fan Carlos Villareal. “She kept on asking about helping with some of the paperwork we need for an upcoming charity initiative so I gave her some of the things we need to do.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Kazakou tries to knit, blog, review some homework, fix the seal on her refrigerator door and review some filing for paperwork for her job while slowly sinking into the corner of her apartment as she stares blankly at the wall and thinks about buying a camper van that she can turn into a tiny house and, “how bad would it be to pull Stella out of school anyway?”
