"I've Been Working On Shaping My Shot," States Rec League Center Back Who Can't Complete A Simple Pass

Des Moines, IA - Dave Williams, center back for Des Moines Manchester United Rovers FC, stated, “I’ve been working on shaping my shot,” to good friend and center midfielder Oscar Carmona as the two arrived for their game in the Central Iowa Co-ed Soccer League.

According to teammates, Williams biggest issue is his lack of fitness and inability to pass the ball as they frequently have to anticipate where his passes will go.

“I’ve asked him to practice his passing by just finding a wall and doing passes to himself but I don’t think he cares,” stated forward Harry Jones.

According to Williams himself you can’t question his dedication to the team as he stayed after games to really work on the fundamentals.

“I’ve spent at least 30 to 40 minutes over the last week just trying to make my shot be less predictable,” stated Williams to The Nutmeg News. “I noticed that I can almost do that technique where you cut your foot over the ball and it makes it swerve. It’s so cool. I almost scored against our keeper in the scrimmage we had recently using this.”

When asked whether he plans on practicing for the position he plays, Williams stated that he put in a fair bit of work recently on FIFA.

“I pay attention to defense. I don’t always let the computer auto play the defenders. However, I feel like it’ll be a bigger surprise when I can take the ball and blister one into the back of the net.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Des Moines Manchester United Rovers FC loses their next game 14 - 0.
