White Collar Employee With Google Translate And Too Much Time On His Hands Ready To Become Transfer Rumor Expert For Inter Miami

Miami, FL - Cloud Engineer and new Inter Miami fan David @MiamiTransferMachine Hughes stated that he is ready and willing to become the the transfer rumor expert for Inter Miami with his ready access to Google translate and way too much time on his hands.

“My job requires me to be on the internet all the time and the combination of that availability and internet expertise with having a job where my work is sometimes feast or famine means that I have plenty of time to comb over transfer rumors from South America, set up internet alerts and scan online newspapers from all over the world for any news on Inter Miami,” stated Hughes to The Nutmeg News.

Friends indicate that they didn’t think Hughes would be the person who got into soccer, but he stated that the ability to be perceived as an expert at something really helped convince him to get off the fence.

“I’ve never really been a sports fan but I’m definitely a fan of being considered an expert at something,” stated Hughes. “I don’t feel like I need to know anything about soccer to be good at this. I just need to know how to find rumors online and place them within the construct of an insider perspective of building a team. My whole job consists of finding things online with google and configuring online infrastructure. Being an expert in online rumors is practically an extension of my day to day routine.”

Our reporter spoke to soccer fan and sous chef Harry Williams who stated, “I don’t have enough time on my hands to chase all this shit down because I’m on my feet working. It’s great that @MiamiTransferMachine started up because I can log on later to see what they have. They must be connected somehow to the front office.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Hughes decides to create his own rumors after being unable to find anything for a few days.
