Cincinnati, OH - FC Cincinnati fan Philip Peterson refused to criticize anything regarding FC Cincinnati except for his fellow fans that he castigated repeatedly for being fake snowflakes, on Thursday morning.
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“I don’t think ANYONE should be allowed to criticize the team,” stated Peterson as he castigated the fans for not performing well. “All of you are complete embarrassment.”
FC Cincinnati, who recently played 13 games with only one win, snapped a 5 game winless streak as they defeated the Columbus Crew in front of a stark empty supporters section.
“The effort by the fans over the last two years has been terrible. They have not given it their all and this game is just another example of them not being up to par in this league,” stated Peterson. “I’m looking forward to a new acquisition for 2021 that brings in new effort and hard work for the upcoming season because the fans this year just don’t cut it. Just look at all the losses! It’s all the fans fault.”
Cincinnati is currently sitting second from last place in the Eastern Conference with 4 wins after 18 games as they followed up a 2019 season that saw the Ohio team close out with a horrific -44 goal differential and 22 losses.
“It’s all the fault of the entitled, snowflake fans,” stated Peterson to Twitter. “If the fans backed the team and supported better then they wouldn’t have had a -44 goal differential. Why I bet we could’ve had a -43 goal differential in 2019, maybe even a -42 goal differential. This whole situation is 100% the fans fault and I think everyone knows that.”
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Peterson also criticizes the removal of the banners he didn’t help display and the quality of the banners he didn’t paint.