Javier "Chicharito" Hernandez Wins LA Galaxy Halloween Costume Contest As A Ghost

LOS ANGELES - Javier “Chicharito”’ Hernandez reportedly won the LA Galaxy Halloween costume contest as a ghost, according to insider reports.

A picture of Chicharito’s costume.

A picture of Chicharito’s costume.

“You just couldn’t see him,” stated one anonymous report. “He was completely invisible! It was amazing.”

Sources with the team say that Hernandez has been taking his preparation for the costume contest seriously over the past few months as he works on being invisible for longer and longer.

“He really took this to another level,” stated one team source. “There were times where he was even a ghost at practice! It was SPOOKY! It’s like he just stopped existing.”

Despite all the accolades, Hernandez’s win reportedly ruffled the feathers of other Galaxy players who claimed that the forward had just simply not showed up. However, according to trainers they said that they knew he was there, even if he was invisible to his teammates.

“Oh yes! He was there,” stated one anonymous trainer. “Just because the boys couldn’t see him doesn’t mean he wasn’t there. I saw him for certain. I guarantee. When you see a spec of light out of the corner of your eye? That’s Chicharito!”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Hernandez claims that he will continue to be a ghost for the rest of the year.
