Orlando City Announce Buy One - Infect One Playoff Ticket Deal

Orlando, FL - With the global pandemic continuing to rage on and deaths from COVID-19 at their highest peak since early May, Orlando City Soccer Club announced a Buy One - Infect One playoff ticket deal.

Turns you that you can also watch it on TV.

Turns you that you can also watch it on TV.

“We know that cases are on the rise everywhere and that Orange County has had more than 6,016 cases within the past 14 days with the median age being 35 years old, but THIS IS THE PLAYOFFS BABY,” stated the OCSC director of ticketing. “It’s time to get into the supporters section and stand shoulder to shoulder to cheer on, loudly, the boys in purple. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. LITERALLY! This might be your only time to see the team in the playoffs before you or someone you love is intubated.”

Sources with the front office say that the team is taking appropriate steps such as cancelling the OCOxygen Bar and attempting to pretend like they are going to force fans to sit far away from each other.

“We’re excited to announce that you can not only get a ticket to the upcoming home game, but you can also infect a friend with COVID as well,” stated on OCSC source. “It adds to the excitement of the playoffs. This whole thing takes win or go home to a new level!”

Legal advisers for The Nutmeg News noticed that on the back of the ticket there is a 100000 word contract saying that they aren’t liable for anyone that you infect and they also can’t promise a ticket if the government steps in and finally closes teams from having fans in the stands.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as OCSC offers fans a 1% off a 2021 hat if they get infected at any game.
